HERMLE Hermle RS 05-2 robot system with automatic finger change – gripping, clamping, stocking and machining – and this around the clock

The RS 05-2 robot system can be used in all areas where fully automated production of workpieces, weighing up to 5 kg, is required. Particularly in precision engineering and medical technology, the RS 05-2 shows all its advantages, such as compactness, high variability both in the rack storage and in the clamping device and gripper insert. A newly developed finger change on the gripper allows truly flexible production for the first time in small robotics – can also be used as a double gripper for even faster workpiece changes.
Automatically produce more
The combination of NC-controlled long-stroke clamp and the new automatic finger change allows workpieces to be changed fully automatically. In combination with the individual parts supply using infinitely adjustable Hermle universal matrices, the innovative RS 05-2 robot system increases productivity in an unprecedented way. And here is one of its greatest advantages: Grippers and clamping devices adjust themselves fully automatically to the workpiece blanks – in a very large and coordinated gripping and clamping range – so that manual intervention is virtually eliminated.
Three individually selectable rack storage variants ensure optimum provision of parts.
Variable machine selection
The RS 05-2 robot system can be adapted to various Hermle machining centres: C 12, C 22, C 32, C 250 or C 400. With an installation area of only 2 m2 , the RS 05-2 robot system always provides free access to the working areas of the machines, regardless of whether the system has been adapted at the front (C 32, C 250 and C 400) or at the side
(C 12 and C 22).
You can find even more information and an informative animation in our product special at www.hermle.de/rs05-2 or visit our refurbished virtual showroom www.hermle.de/showroom. You can find a video of the system also with the finger change on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/HermleAG.