HEIDENHAIN EMO MILANO 2021: experience the next level of CNC control from HEIDENHAIN and many new features

HEIDENHAIN is starting a new chapter on controls at EMO 2021: visitors can experience the new CNC control, and will also discover many innovations for digitalization of the shop floor and for greater efficiency and process reliability during operation.
The next level of CNC control from HEIDENHAIN presents users and manufacturers of machine tools with completely new possibilities. The new control supports the user at every stage along the way, from initial design to the finished workpiece. Its operation is intuitive, task-focused, and customizable thanks to numerous smart functions that take shopfloor-friendly manufacturing to a new dimension. The groundbreaking control platform permits machine manufacturers to adapt the user interface to their specific machines. Inherent to the new control from HEIDENHAIN are dynamic development capabilities for even more functionalities.
Moreover, digitalization, efficient production, and reliable processes are hot topics for the shop floor. HEIDENHAIN will present solutions for these topics at EMO, e.g.:
• The StateMonitor software for machine data acquisition
• The Digital Twin for a realistic model of a machine on the HEIDENHAIN programming station
• New monitoring and management software solutions with which users can stay focused on how programs of individual machines are progressing even when operating multiple machines simultaneously
• The new TS 760 touch probe from HEIDENHAIN with particularly high 3D accuracy and very low probing forces at high measuring feed rates of up to 1000 mm/min
• The RVM 4000 comparator system with a system accuracy of better than one arc second for measuring the positioning accuracy of rotary tables and tilting axes
• The new rotational speed sensor from AMO saving a spindle’s operating status data for offline reading
• Live demonstrations showing how easily yet effectively the Digital Twin, StateMonitor, and OCM (Optimized Contour Milling) work together in a digital process chain